Mindfulness Exercises To Enhance Presence

Mindfulness Exercises to Enhance Presence A mindfulness exercise will support you in opening new awareness, and reprogram your brain and behavior patterns in a positive way.   Enjoy practicing the 3 mindfulness exercises below to enhance your presence in your daily life. 1. Hugging a tree Stand close to a big tree and place your hands […]

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Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist

Seated Spinal Twist Stretch the spine, shoulders and hips, massage the abdominal organs, relieve stress and improve digestion. Sit on the floor, and stretch your legs out in front of you.  Bend the right knee placing your foot on the floor.  Cross your right foot over the left leg and use your left arm to […]

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Karen Korona

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love How to Renew yourself in love everyday with this simple exercise. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Relax and visualize yourself surrounded by white light. With each deep breath draw the white light in from every direction imaging it circulating through your heart center.  With each exhalation breathe […]

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Karen Korona Breathing With Intention

Breathing With Intention

Breathing With Intention Breathing is an essential part of a yoga practice.  In yoga or in everyday life, when you breathe with intention it  is clearing, balancing and strengthening to your mind, body and spirit. Here is a simple exercise that will bring a powerful intention to your breath. 1. Sit comfortably on the floor or […]

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Top 10 Superfoods For Spring

Boost your mood, energy, focus, metabolism and memory with these 10 superfoods this Spring! 1. Walnuts Good for mood! High in tryptophan, an amino acid your body needs to create the feel-great chemical serotonin. They digest slowly, contributing to mood stability and supports you in tolerating stress.   2. Asparagus Good for mood, and best […]

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New Transition With Ease And Grace

New Transition With Ease And Grace Everyone has experiences in life that are challenging. These challenges can be considered life lessons that launch you into new awareness to ultimately have a happier and more fulfilling life. Once a new awareness has been birthed we begin a “death” process of the old ways.  This is natural […]

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Karen Korona Meditating

The Secret To Healing

The Secret to Healing In my 31 years as a Holistic Healer,  I have seen thousands of women and men with injuries, illnesses and diseases.  They basically have all asked the same questions to me:  “What is the secret to healing?”  Everyone wants to know the way back to their happiness and good health. First […]

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