Archive | Meditation


Affirmation Exercise

Affirmation Exercise Set your path for a positive, new beginning by using the affirmation exercise below to support you in attaining your goals.   Sit down in a comfortable position and take a few minutes to meditate and relax.  Become present and breathe through your heart center to be get in touch with your inner […]

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Abundance Meditation

Abundance Meditation

Abundance Meditation Abundance Meditation  Be seated comfortably, close your eyes, relax your body and take 3 deep breaths.  Relax deeper and deeper; feeling each part of your body relaxing. From your toes, legs, hips, up your spine, and up through your chest, into your shoulders, down your arms and into your hands, through your neck, head […]

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Healing the Body Meditation

Healing the Body Meditation

Healing the Body Meditation 1.  Begin playing soft, relaxing music in the room.  Be seated or lay down in a comfortable position.  Close your eyes. 2.  Relax your body and your mind.  With each deep inhalation and exhalation you are relaxing deeper and deeper. 3.  Relax your feet and your ankles, your knees, thighs and […]

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