Healing the Body Meditation

Healing the Body Meditation

Healing the Body Meditation 1.  Begin playing soft, relaxing music in the room.  Be seated or lay down in a comfortable position.  Close your eyes. 2.  Relax your body and your mind.  With each deep inhalation and exhalation you are relaxing deeper and deeper. 3.  Relax your feet and your ankles, your knees, thighs and hips.  Relax your sacrum, lower spine, mid spine and lower spine.  Release your shoulders, arms and hands.   Let go of the neck, relax the head. Relax your eyes, let go of your jaw.  Your body is completely relaxed. 3.  Begin with an affirmation:  I am perfection,I am calm, I am healthy.  Repeat silently three times. 4.  Focus your attention in your heart center. Repeat silently peace, love, harmony. 5.  Bring awareness where you are wanting healing in your body.  Take your time moving from one area of your body to the other, or bring awareness to all areas at the same time.  You may breathe into the area you are bringing attention to, and image a pink,green or golden healing light. Remain in the healing meditation for 3-12 minutes. 6.  When complete bring awareness back to the heart. Repeat silently peace, love, harmony. 7.  Have gratitude, think of what you are grateful for.  Feel it radiating through whole body, smile. 8.  Take a deep breath and when ready open your eyes. 9.  Remember throughout your day:  I am perfection, I am calm, I am healthy. Namaste