Archive | Healing

Rejuvenate Naturally

Rejuvenate Naturally There are a few simple ways to rejuvenate naturally.  I like to break these up into 2 major categories: conserving your energy, and purifying and renewing energy. Conserving Your Energy 1. Take time out from technology and media.  Your brain and body needs a rest from all the constant stimulation around you.  Time […]

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6  Ways to Unlock Your Creative Potential

These 6 tips will support you in unlocking your creative potential: 1. Become Inspired And Inspire Others Inspire yourself first.  Consider the habits and rituals that fill your heart and build your creativity and energy that will inspire others. Show up as your best. 2. Be Comfortable Out Of Your Comfort Zone Growth and development […]

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Karen Korona

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love How to Renew yourself in love everyday with this simple exercise. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Relax and visualize yourself surrounded by white light. With each deep breath draw the white light in from every direction imaging it circulating through your heart center.  With each exhalation breathe […]

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New Transition With Ease And Grace

New Transition With Ease And Grace Everyone has experiences in life that are challenging. These challenges can be considered life lessons that launch you into new awareness to ultimately have a happier and more fulfilling life. Once a new awareness has been birthed we begin a “death” process of the old ways.  This is natural […]

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Karen Korona Meditating

The Secret To Healing

The Secret to Healing In my 31 years as a Holistic Healer,  I have seen thousands of women and men with injuries, illnesses and diseases.  They basically have all asked the same questions to me:  “What is the secret to healing?”  Everyone wants to know the way back to their happiness and good health. First […]

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Springtime Body Cleanse

Body Cleanse A gentle spring cleanse is a way to clear away toxins and renew yourself on every level. During this time of rebirth, there are a few simple changes you can make with your foods, supplements and lifestyle to purify, balance and get in tune with nature. Toxins build up in the body from […]

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