Archive | Meditation

Tree Meditation for Calm and Rejuvenation

Tree Meditation for Calm and Rejuvenation

The Karen Korona Challenge: Tree Meditation for Calm and Rejuvenation   Join the Karen Korona Challenge during the month of July and stand as still as a tree!  Feet hips distance apart, close your eyes and spot a point on the ground.  Visualize your feet rooted in the earth.  Relax your body and be very […]

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Mindfulness Exercises To Enhance Presence

Mindfulness Exercises to Enhance Presence A mindfulness exercise will support you in opening new awareness, and reprogram your brain and behavior patterns in a positive way.   Enjoy practicing the 3 mindfulness exercises below to enhance your presence in your daily life. 1. Hugging a tree Stand close to a big tree and place your hands […]

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Karen Korona

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love

Exercise How To Renew Yourself In Love How to Renew yourself in love everyday with this simple exercise. Sit comfortably and close your eyes. Relax and visualize yourself surrounded by white light. With each deep breath draw the white light in from every direction imaging it circulating through your heart center.  With each exhalation breathe […]

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Karen Korona

Exercise to Eliminate Negative Thoughts

Exercise to Eliminate Negative Thoughts Try this simple 3-minute breathing and visualization technique to transform negative thoughts.  This can be used any time during the day when you feel stressed, or at night prior to sleep to transform negative thoughts into positive thoughts and feelings. 1. Be seated comfortably in a chair or cross legged […]

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Heart Healing Exercise

Heart Healing Exercise 1. Be seated on the floor comfortably with your eyes closed. Relax the body. Begin focusing your attention in your heart center. 2. Place your hands on the ground, feeling the earth beneath your palms. 3. Take a breath into your heart center. Then exhale deeply from your heart center, imaging the […]

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